There's more to tell you about! Did I mention that we've really been on the go lately? Anyhoo, FH had another exciting accomplishment on Friday. He tested for (and received) his yellow belt in Tae Kwon Do! He's been working really hard at it, as it's something he REALLY wanted! We talked to him all the time about "earning" the belt. And he was SO proud! He just kept staring at the yellow stripe on the new belt. At one point he was in the back seat saying to no one in particular, "This is so AWESOME!" while staring at the stripe. And he had the BIGGEST smile on his face! It was such a pure thought that there was no question about what he was thinking at the time. We were very proud. He's already talking about getting his orange belt...he's a real "mover and shaker" when he decides to be! So here you go............
This one is right before we went into the dojo.
Here he is standing at ready position, waiting to begin.
Testing has begun!
Great high block!!
Part of the belting ceremony...removing the old belt. (I tied it too tight so he needed a little help!)
Do you think he's excited?
Getting some color!
What a proud moment!
Striped Friend to Friend
10 months ago