I DID IT!!!!! I DID IT!!!!!!
See? Do you see what I'm talking about?
It's the formatting. I have been trying for the better part of a year to get the formatting right. Every time I would create a post I spent A LOT of time getting the spacing just right and laying everything out the way I wanted it. But then I would publish the post and it would all run together as if I had not spent any time at all.
It was INFURIATING!!!!!! Just look back at some of my old posts and you can see how frustrated I was. But not any more. :)
Tonight I told my genius of a husband about the problem that I've been having for OVER A YEAR, and he says, "Oh yeah. You just have to......" (This is where he loses me.)
But somewhere in there I caught the words "page break" so I did a little hunting. And I FOUND the right setting!!! **clicking my heels**
So ok, maybe I didn't do it COMPLETELY by myself, but he was in the other room when it happened, so I'm taking all the credit. :)
Friday Shrug
4 weeks ago