Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas 2008

Here we are reading "The Night Before Christmas."

The tree.

Christmas morning.

Remember Underoos?!

You can't imagine how happy this boy was! You can't really see it, but there are shoulder pads under that jersey, too.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My latest project.

So, recently my family decided that it was time to move my 89 year old grandmother to a nursing home. We had some aides coming in to help her during the day, but one morning one of the aides came in and found that Mommom had been out wandering the streets. (She was looking for Phil, her 105 year old boyfriend. He had just been removed from the house, as we found out he was hitting her with his cane. She has since forgotten that he lived with her for the last 19 years, so you can see why we needed to move her!) We were, of course, nervous about her reaction to the move. But we were pleasantly surprised when she started joining in activities the very day she moved in! Unfortunately she was barely there for 12 hours before she fell and broke her hip. She spent a couple of days in traction, heavily medicated on Morphine. The surgeon needed to consult with her cardiologist due to her extensive (and horrendous) cardiac history. She has since had a hip replacement, and seems to be doing beautifully. My last update from Mom had her walking 50 ft.! That's in just a week's time!! Not bad for an old bird.
In the process of moving, her favorite blanket has been lost. I'm going to assume that it was mistakenly put in the trash, because the only other option would be to assume that someone stole it. And I really don't want to have to believe that about the people that were caring for her. They were wonderful women, and I really enjoyed their company.
The point here is the aunt had made it for her, and it was her favorite. So I, with all my spare time, offered to make her a new one. And here is the fruit of my labor. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Oodles of pictures!

Wow! I didn't realize that it's been over a month since I've posted! Time just keeps getting away from me. So here are a whole bunch of pictures for your viewing pleasure!

This is Zoe and FH at Zoe's class Thanksgiving party.

FH and Harry on the drive up to Pop and Gram's for Thanksgiving...BEFORE Zoe threw up all over herself and the car!

FH was making a dump truck picture out of coins. I thought that was SO creative!

The pond...geese came in by the boatload. I'm hoping that means the cold air is pushing down so we'll actually get some snow this winter!

Look at them standing on the ice. I think it's hysterical!

Making their way over from the corn field.

Can you see how many were still having a snack?!

Here we are on our way to pick out our Christmas tree. That's Daddy's truck behind us.
Is that the one?! Nope, that wasn't it.

It was COLD that day!

The tree has to be just perfect so that the psychedelic star will spin. Yes, Dad, I still have it and it still works!! It just isn't Christmas for me without that star!

Still searching....

And searching....

What a face!

Searching some more....

Here it is! Just kidding.

Great kids.

There it is! We finally found the perfect tree! And yes, Frank is wearing shorts. Like I said, it was REALLY COLD that day!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Today... a very special day. Today is my 9th wedding anniversary! I think I am the luckiest woman in the world. My husband is such an amazing man...and the best part is that he doesn't even know it! He is the man of my dreams and more, and he is the best dad! My life today is everything I have ever wanted and then some, all because of him. He gave me the most beautiful children, and he loves us more than anything in the world, which he shows us every single day. And so today I celebrate the day that he chose me, and I will be forever grateful to have him in my life!!! Love you, baby!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm making SOME progress.

I got that "Cute" post to look normal, though I had to use a bulleted list to do it! Still not sure how I'm going to make it work the next time I post photos, but I'll keep trying!! Grrrrrrrrrr.

It did it AGAIN!!!

I had this nicely put-together list...and even when I previewed it, the whole thing looked really nice. But then I publish, and I get 1 big paragraph...1 big run-on sentence. DO YOU KNOW HOW IRRITATING THAT IS?!?!?!?! Does anyone have any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong? Obviously I'm doing SOMETHING wrong, but what? This is (again, obviously) beyond the extent of my computer knowledge. AAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!1


Saw this on another blog (thank you Aimee Porco!) and couldn't resist. It's not hard and doesn't take long. :)

place an X by all the things you've
done and remove the X from the ones you have not.

  • (X)Gone on a blind date >
  • (X) Skipped school >
  • (X) Been to Canada >
  • ( ) Been to Mexico>
  • (X)Been to Florida>
  • (X) Been on a plane >
  • (X)Been on the opposite side of the country >
  • (X) Been to Washington, DC >
  • (X) Swam in the ocean >
  • (X) Cried yourself to sleep >
  • (X) Played cops and robbers >
  • (X) Recently colored with crayons>
  • (X ) Sang Karaoke - >
  • ( ) Paid for a meal with coins only?>
  • (X) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? >
  • (X) Made prank phone calls>
  • (X) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose >
  • (X) Caught a snowflake on your tongue >
  • ( ) Danced in the rain >
  • (X) Written a letter to Santa Claus >
  • (X) Been kissed under the mistletoe >
  • (X) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about >
  • (X) Blown bubbles >
  • (X) Gone ice-skating >
  • ( ) Been skinny dipping outdoors>
  • (X) Gone to the movies >
  • ( ) Got a speeding ticket

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Please allow me to toot my own horn.........I MADE Zoe's costume!!!! Doesn't she look great?!

Add Image


I love that smile!!

A close-up of the fabric that Zoe's costume is made of.

The kids waited there for about 5 whole minutes for the firetruck to come down the street.


The end of the evening.


The daddies stayed home to give out the candy.


Our pumpkin this year.

And look at what came out of my garden today! Roses in November...who would have thought?