Friday, October 30, 2009

I DID IT!!!!!!!

I DID IT!!!!!  I DID IT!!!!!!


See?  Do you see what I'm talking about?

It's the formatting.  I have been trying for the better part of a year to get the formatting right.  Every time I would create a post I spent A LOT of time getting the spacing just right and laying everything out the way I wanted it.  But then I would publish the post and it would all run together as if I had not spent any time at all.

It was INFURIATING!!!!!!  Just look back at some of my old posts and you can see how frustrated I was.  But not any more.  :)

Tonight I told my genius of a husband about the problem that I've been having for OVER A YEAR, and he says, "Oh yeah.  You just have to......"  (This is where he loses me.)

But somewhere in there I caught the words "page break" so I did a little hunting.  And I FOUND the right setting!!!  **clicking my heels**

So ok, maybe I didn't do it COMPLETELY by myself, but he was in the other room when it happened, so I'm taking all the credit.  :)


If you know me at all, you know that I am ALL ABOUT being fair!! What I do for one, I do for the other, so here is your Zoe update.

Man, does that girl make me proud. She is so strong and she's so not afraid to do things. I envy her, and wish I could be more like her. At 7, she is already such an amazing person!!! She truly takes life by the horns and LIVES every minute!! I love her, and I want to be just like her when I grow up. Enjoy.....

Here we are, about to test for our brown belts. Doing a little pre-test clowning around!!

Mid test...not exactly sure what she's doing, but she sure looks sweet doing it!

Pull back press.

She looks completely enamored with her fingers here! LOL!!

She's got COLOR!!!!

The proud pair!

This is at the cabin near Penn State. We figured we'd try staying there before and after the game, and it worked out perfectly. I'm sure we'll be doing that again next season!

Gettin' some wiggles out before the game.

It was REALLY COLD that day!

Posing in front of her bunk. It was the first time either of the kids ever slept in a bunk bed, and they thought it was the coolest thing ever! Mommy thought the guard rails were the coolest thing ever. ;)

Zoe and Daddy...she is SUCH a Daddy's girl!!

We took Harry for a walk down the farm road, one of his favorite places! Don't they look so sweet here? It was picture day at school...the matching outfits were NOT planned!

Settling in to watch "It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown" together.

Mommy and Zoe...I LOVE that girl!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So much has been going on with him, where do I even begin? My baby is no longer a baby...he's a big boy, and he's PROUD of it!!! This child enjoys life with such unabashed joy, we should all take a lesson from him. He's amazing, and proud doesn't begin to describe how I feel to be his mommy.
He recently started kindergarten, and with the beginning of school came the beginning of soccer. Words just can't describe the fun he's having, so I'll let the pictures do the talking.
Enjoy...I know I sure do!!!

Drawing a self-portrait at his kindergarten open house.

Signing his name on the question of the day.

Making a tornado.

Science with unusual! ;)

He read that whole book to Daddy!!

I should have know that eventually they'd make their way to the Lego table.

His first day of school. sniff, sniff

He was so excited he barely remembered to turn around and wave.

Just hangin' around.

I don't know what it is, but there's something about this picture that I just L-O-V-E, LOVE!! Look how long and lean he looks!!

I think you can really see his pride in this picture.

I love the look on his face in this one...he's completely into this game!!!

Monday, October 12, 2009


It would appear that the formatting issues I was having before are still there, so I may play around with the formats...please bear with me!!!

I'm baaaaaaaaack!!!

It's been a while...I think i just needed a little break. I was WAY over committed last year, and I needed some time to decompress.
See, I was under the impression that I could do it all. That I could literally do everything. That I could be the good mom, the good wife, the good student, the good volunteer...and on, and on, and on some more.
But that just isn't possible. No single person can do it all. And now I see that.
So now I'm back, and I am more sure of what is important to me. I'll be taking more time to check in with some of my favorite blogs, my crafting, and maybe I'll even spend a little time in the kitchen. (Oh! The horror!!)
Just kidding...when it's on my terms, I actually enjoy being in the kitchen. Especially in the winter time when I've got a fire going and a nice hot pot of tea close by. :)
Look for pics tomorrow!!