Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My boy

Well, since I posted the other day about how much FH was driving me crazy, I feel compelled to post today about how amazing that kid is. I had some MAJOR running around to do today, and ended up having to be in the car for about 4 hours. And unfortunately for FH, today was not a preschool day. Well, that boy was just such a trooper! He never complained, not even once! He chilled with the DVD player and watched a couple of movies and was an absolute prince! At one point he was watching a movie and I heard him say, "Oh no. Not AGAIN!" When I inquired his response was, "I'm hungry, AGAIN!"

I said to him, "Lucky for you, you have a smart mommy who had a feeling that this was going to happen! I packed pretzles, goldfish and a sweet and salty bar...which would you like?" (He chose pretzles AND a sweet and salty bar!)

Seriously, he was incredible, and I wanted to balance the "less managable day" post with a post about how wonderful he is. I love that boy!


OK, I really need to share this with all of you. Zoe just participated in her school project fair with her friend, Diana...they did a project on the Chinese Zodiac. (Zoe wants to study China, and Diana was adopted from China, so it seemed a good fit!) Being the crafty little girls that they are, we came up with a couple of activities that would put those talents to good use. When I tell you that they worked hard, I mean they worked HARD! We had 3 "playdates" where they did nothing but work on these activities! First, they used clay to make a mold of each of the "cast of characters." (There are 12 animals in the Chinese Zodiac.) While they dried, they painted a mask for each animal. Then they painted the clay animals, and then they decorated the masks.

For the mask decorations they used ALL KINDS of goodies! They used A LOT of glitter, plain pipe cleaners, striped pipe cleaners, pom poms and colorful feathers. They had a BALL!!!

We mounted the masks on a tri-fold posterboard. Next to each mask we put a printout of each animal. We listed the animal name, the chinese symbol for that animal, and some of the characteristics associated with that particular animal. We also listed animal compatibility. Way cool.

The girls also put together a Chinese Zodiac word search for people to take with them. They didn't need any guidance from me on how to do this! I did the actual entering of info into the computer, but they are the ones who told me what to enter.

The girls put in roughly about 15 hours working on this project. I am beyond proud of the 2 of them. They worked hard, and they produced amazing results. What a wonderful life lesson. While the pictures hardly do the real thing justice, I hope that you enjoy them anyway. Here are some of my favorites.

Oh, FH wanted to get in on the action, too.....

Here is the posterboard that sat on the card table.

The Monkey

The Rabbit

The Dragon

The Snake

The Tiger

The Rooster

Here they are, the cast of characters!

The Monkey (I think this might be my personal favorite. Maybe...it's so hard to decide!)

The Tiger

The Rat (Look at the arms, and the tail! How clever are these girls?! This one is also in the running for my favorite!)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Look at me!

Here I am posting for the 3rd consecutive day!! I'm sure Dodi's heart has stopped, so someone may need to check in on her.
I think FH may have a bit of "cage rage." He's driving me absolutely nuts today. He won't let me out of his sight, he has something to say about EVERYTHING, he's being very whiny, and he's also jumping all over the place!!!! I keep trying to convince him to go play outside, but there's no one home for him to play with, and he doesn't want to go. This boy is so ready for kindergarten. And so am I. I'm going to take him to the gym so we can both go burn off some steam. Better feed him first. He's been eating me out of house and home lately! I'm hoping he's about to grow. Because if this is the norm for him, I'm going to have to go get a job just to pay for his groceries!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I may not get to the pictures today. I've been wrapped up in trying to find Dodi's favorite flower so I can win her contest. See her blog here. You should try it. It's such a cute idea! And the competitive side of me is coming out in full force! I know I could convince her to make me one of the prizes, even if I don't win the contest. But I would really like to win. Just sayin'.
So I had a Girl Scout planning meeting with my co-leaders this morning, and now I'm off for a kid-free trip to the grocery store.
Then I'll be back here working my fingers to the bone to try to finish a baby gift that I've been working on for about 2 months now. Unfortunately I didn't start the blanket until the day before the baby was born. (Bad Amy!) Time is just such a precious commodity to me these days. Can't wait until June. Just can't wait until June when all of my commitments will be finished.
But I digress...I'm going to work really hard to finish this blanket quickly so this poor little baby can have his blanket before he goes off to college!!! Wish me luck!
Lots of love!!!!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Can't believe it's really been 2 months since my last post! No wonder Dodi is giving me such a hard time about not posting!
OK, I'll get to it. I promise. Tomorrow I am going to download pictures and post and I'll update you then. Today I just don't have enough time. :(
Unfortunately that seems to be the norm these days. June. I just have to wait to June. That's when several of my commitments will end, and I'll have a little bit more time on my hands.
I do happen to have a mile-long list of things that I want to do, but I'll be better able to get to more of it in June.
Until tomorrow........lots of love!