Saturday, November 8, 2008

Today... a very special day. Today is my 9th wedding anniversary! I think I am the luckiest woman in the world. My husband is such an amazing man...and the best part is that he doesn't even know it! He is the man of my dreams and more, and he is the best dad! My life today is everything I have ever wanted and then some, all because of him. He gave me the most beautiful children, and he loves us more than anything in the world, which he shows us every single day. And so today I celebrate the day that he chose me, and I will be forever grateful to have him in my life!!! Love you, baby!


dodi said...

You ARE a lucky woman, me friend!!

Cherish the good and the bad - because if you didn't have that balance, it wouldn't be one of the healthiest relationships out there.

I love you! I love that man! I love your kids... what more could I ask for??


The Andersons said...

Hi Amy,
Of course I remember you! It was so great getting a message from you. Aren't these blogs the best! I am so glad you and your family are doing well. Your kids are adorable. I am glad you enjoyed the pillow case idea. It is a family favorite of ours.

dodi said...

oh, poo! I was hoping you would have a new post so I could send you just as beautiful message back at ya!

Thank you for yours... sniff! You know I feel the same way. You are just the bees knees for me!

btw -- sat in church this morning knitting. tee-hee! Keepin' those hands busy! Why not, right??? It made church that much more fun! :)