Friday, January 16, 2009

First skate

I'm so grateful that I am able to stay home with my children. It's SOOOOO fun to see all the firsts. You know...the first smile, first steps, first time feeding, it was the first time ice skating!
FH got his first pair of ice skates for Christmas and has been BEGGING me every day since to skate on the pond. Unfortunately the temperature has been bouncing around lately, and the pond wasn't reliably frozen. But the last few days have been FRIGID, so I thought we'd be ok. Especially since we stayed close to the edge. So please share this first with me.

Here is his first minute on skates!

He was SO happy! He wanted to do it all by himself, and wouldn't let me help him at all!

He went down quite a bit, but that didn't deter him at all!

Going down again!

We were trying to work on gliding...maybe next time.

Oh, the concentration!

He was trying so hard!!!

Going down again!

Taking a little break.

And again.

We sure did have a great time!

And eventually he decided to just stay down.

It was SOOOOOOO cold!!!

Thanks for sharing this special day with me! Stay warm!!


dodi said...

I need a pair of what he's got on -- just to get me to and from the doorway to the car! TOOOOO cold for my liking!

Glad he had a great time. I really don't think temperature makes a diff when you're least I never really ever remembering it to.

Happy day for FH! yeah!!!

dodi said...

hhhmmmm...challenging last sentence when i re-read it. Good Luck with that one! :)

Philigry said...

so sweet! that looks like so much fun.